Protection against UV rays: the actions to take according to the natur – L Artisan Brossier

Each type of hair has its own peculiarities that it is essential to know in order to maintain it correctly and preserve it. Discover with this article the gestures to adopt this summer according to the nature of your hair.

Greasy hair

This type of hair is not the most sensitive to the negative effects of seawater, quite the contrary. Salt water is beneficial to them because it cleanses the scalp: it calms itching, helps reduce dandruff, promotes blood circulation, boosts hair growth and also helps to naturally eliminate excess sebum produced. .

We also advise you to take advantage of swimming to give yourself a small head massage of a few minutes and thus promote the beneficial effects of seawater. Nothing could be simpler, put your head under water to completely wet your hair, then make light circular movements all over the skull. The contact of salt and sand with the skin will have the effect of a stimulating scrub and will only benefit your hair. However, remember to rinse them well with clear water between each swim if possible, or at the end of the day.

In order to effectively detangle your hair, we advise you to opt for a brush made of pure boar bristles . Ideal for oily hair, this brush will help you eliminate the residue absorbed during the day and will naturally strengthen your hair fibre. Boar hair is naturally loaded with keratin, a molecule mainly present in the hair, which allows a distribution of sebum from the roots to the lengths. During daily use of this brush, your hair gradually regains a natural regulation of sebum production and thus benefits from intense hydration, incredible softness and a natural shine that you will no longer be able to resist. pass.

It is important to evacuate all the residues that your hair has absorbed during the day. So don't forget to wash them with a special “oily hair” shampoo and to insist on the scalp, especially if you have performed the cranial massage. Hydrate them and enjoy your evening.

Do not hesitate to consult our oily hair routine to find out how to take care of your hair effortlessly.

Dry hair

Naturally fragile, this type of hair can become duller and drier than normal during prolonged exposure to sunlight and sea water. Irritation or discomfort can also appear on the scalp, which can become more sensitive because of the high pH of iodized water and the rubbing of sand on the skin. It is therefore necessary to bring enough hydration to your hair, before and after swimming, to prevent it from being too attacked by your day of relaxation.
Have the reflex to apply a fatty substance, such as a vegetable oil (coconut, jojoba, monoï, castor, avocado, olive or aloe vera gel) to hydrate and nourish them in depth. This fatty substance also acts as a non-negligible protective layer against salt, sand, iodine and ultraviolet rays. Preferably do this a few hours before you hit the water to give your hair time to absorb the oil.

Use a brush with nylon bristles if you have dense hair or a wooden comb according to your preferences, to untangle your hair as much as possible after swimming. The nylon pins go through the hair mass and provide more effective detangling, while maintaining the beneficial effects of boar hair: hydration, shine and softness.
If you are more of a fan of combs, you will find what you are looking for among our models. Wood is, like boar hair, a material that naturally respects the hair fiber and does not harm the hair like a plastic comb. It also allows a better distribution of the sebum, and in this specific case, of the oils applied to the hair. Don't forget to reapply between each swim, emphasizing the tips, which are much more fragile.

We advise you to do a complete shampoo at the end of the day and to opt for soft and moisturizing products. The ideal is to start with a nourishing scrub that will cleanse the scalp and eliminate as much residue as possible. Nothing could be simpler, mix in a bowl 1 tbsp of sugar, 1 tbsp of jojoba oil, which has the particularity of promoting hair growth and 1 tbsp of honey. Apply the mixture to your skull and massage it lightly for a few minutes, rinse thoroughly with clear water then proceed to shampoo and conditioner. To bring even more hydration to the fiber, you can also leave a mask on for 10 to 15 minutes.

mixed hair

The particularity of combination hair is that it is oily at the roots but dry at the tips, which makes their maintenance quite difficult. They are not particularly sensitive to sunlight or sea water but still require special attention.

We suggest that you adapt the advice previously exposed and develop your own protection routine. For example, you can take advantage of seawater to cleanse your scalp and thus eliminate excess sebum thanks to the cranial massage. Remember, however, to hydrate your ends well between each swim. Even if the scalp tends to be oily, and therefore not very sensitive to sea water, you must keep in mind that lengths and ends are oily and that hydration remains your best ally. Aloe vera gel can be an interesting alternative to your hair type since it is suitable for all types of hair, dry or oily. It is a plant that moisturizes and helps the fiber to naturally regulate its sebum production. Apply it to your hair between swims to nourish it and provide a layer of protection against UV rays and seawater.

To detangle your hair, you can opt for a brush made of pure boar bristle or agave fiber if it is more fragile. These brushes have the particularity of effectively distributing the sebum from your roots to the tips, and thus intensely nourish your fiber without you needing to add a fatty substance. They both bring natural care to your hair, which regains its vitality over the days.

Do not forget to always wash your hair at the end of the day in order to eliminate all the absorbed residues and bring them enough hydration to preserve them from the aggressions suffered.

You can now enjoy your beach outings with complete peace of mind.
