10 astuces simples et naturelles pour avoir des cheveux doux et brillants – L Artisan Brossier

Shiny and silky hair is the main hair expectation of women just before volume. And yet, dull and unruly hair often resists... The good news is that it's not inevitable, far from it! L'Artisan Brossier has brought together the 10 best simple and natural tips for you to give your hair the shine and shine it deserves.

#1 - Hydration 💦

Just like the skin, hydration is the basis of healthy hair. But what is hydration? This is the water content necessary for the good health of the hair fibres. Many natural ingredients make it possible to hydrate your hair, starting with Aloe Vera, the effectiveness of which is well established. But also eggs, honey, olive, avocado or coconut oil and even bananas. So many accessible and 100% natural ingredients that will guarantee perfect hydration of your hair.

#2 - Rinse your hair with cold water 🚿

Sometimes the simplest tricks work the best! Yet far from being pleasant, rinsing your hair with cold water closes the hair scales and therefore ensures shine and shine when you get out of the shower.

#3 – A good brushing ✨

Back to basics. Indeed, a gesture as simple as brushing is very important. Your hair is subject to multiple attacks on a daily basis: rain, dust, pollution, wind... Brush it morning and evening to remove the nasty anti-shine residue that makes your hair dull. The ideal is a small bag brush to have silky and shiny hair everywhere, all the time.

#4 – The choice of the brush 🐗

It goes without saying that good brushing depends on the choice of brush. The best alternative is unanimously the pure boar brush . Boar bristles are 100% keratin, plus they have antistatic properties and distribute sebum from root to length, the perfect combo for unparalleled shine and radiance.

#5 – Prepare your rinse water 🍋

As surprising as it may seem, a vinegar or lemon rinse water goes a long way towards keeping your hair shiny. The acidity of the vinegar or the fruit acids present in the lemon will decalcify the water and smooth the cuticles, the secret for shiny hair.

With the lemon: mix the juice of a lemon in a bottle of lukewarm water. Then pour the mixture on your hair after rinsing the shampoo. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse again.

With white vinegar: pour the equivalent of 1/2 capful of white vinegar into a bottle of lukewarm water, otherwise use the same principle, leave for 5 minutes then rinse.

#6 – Brushing 💆🏼‍♀️

To regain shine “like coming out of the hairdresser”, brushing is very effective. The more the hair is brushed and blow-dried, the more it shines. Pay attention to the temperature of the hair dryer. The must-have, once again, is the blow-dry brush in pure wild boar . There are a wide variety of boar bristle brushes, depending on hair types and what you are using them for.

#7 – Act from within 🥑

Food is the key to silky hair. A healthy and balanced diet contributes greatly to good hair health. Some foods are particularly effective in restoring shine to your hair:

- Foods containing zinc such as shellfish, oysters, red meat or poultry.
- Foods with a high iron content: again red meat but also whole grains, eggs, bananas or brewer's yeast.
- Foods rich in vitamin B6 such as salmon, potatoes, avocado, lentils or wheat.
- Foods rich in omega 3 such as sardines, flaxseed oil or fresh walnuts.

So many healthy foods that will give your hair a boost.

#8 – Shampoo 🧴

The choice of shampoo has a real impact on the appearance of your hair. Sulfates and silicone are to be banned!

Sulfates are powerful detergents used in toothpaste or in household products, so they have nothing to do with shampoo. Their role is to lather the shampoo during use, foam as a guarantee of quality is a generally accepted idea that quickly drives people away. Sulfates destroy the natural oils produced by the hair and increase sebum production.
Silicone, on the other hand, acts like an asphyxiating varnish for your hair. This petroleum derivative has a short-term smoothing and softening effect which gives the illusion that the hair is shiny and soft, when you stop using silicone shampoos the product disappears from the hair fibers and gives way to dull and lifeless hair.

So choose shampoos with a natural composition that is good for your hair and for the planet.

#9 - Homemade natural masks without moderation 🌿

Inexpensive and ecological, homemade masks are very effective. Easy to make, you will find many recipes on the net to restore shine and shine to your hair. Here is an example of a mask to apply at least once a week.

- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon of olive oil
- 1 egg yolk

The mixture should be applied to all of your hair, then leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing.

#10 – Drying 🌬

A detail that is very important, drying is a step not to be neglected. Going out with their hair still wet makes them take the full brunt of all the aggressions from the outside. It is therefore important to dry your hair before going out, however, be sure to use the hair dryer on medium heat and not to approach it too close to the roots at the risk of attacking your scalp.

Shine and radiance no longer hold any secrets for you, Rapunzel just has to behave.

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